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Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic
Les tremplins de Predazzo -

Ski jumping EN

Ski jumping | Nordic combined: work on the hills for the Milan/Cortina 2026 Olympic Games is behind schedule

Work on the ski jumps for the 2026 Olympic Games in Predazzo (Italy) is in full swing just over a year before the start of the competitions.

Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic

Ski jumping | Nordic combined: a delayed timetable for the 2026 Olympic ski jumps

Construction machinery is currently on site at Predazzo (Italy), which is due to host the ski jumping and nordic combined events at the Milan/Cortina 2026 Olympic Games from 7 February to 19 February 2026.

The renovation of the ski jumps was originally scheduled to be completed by the end of summer 2024. However, the schedule has been extended to the end of the 2024/2025 winter season. Also not working, the latest announced completion date is April-May 2025. A situation that is bound to cause concern.

Biathlon, biathlon programme, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, nordic skiing, cross-country skiing, skiing, combined, nordic combined, jumping, ski jumping, ibu cup, biathlon today, biathlon 2024 calendar, nordic mag biathlon, biathlon world championship 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendar, biathlon world cup 2024, nordic ski, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon world championship, biathlon programme today, biathlon world cup 2024, nordic ski net, nordic magazine, nordic
The Predazzo springboards –

“The Italians have constantly made promises that have not been kept. I’m sceptical that the work will be completed by February next year. It is possible that the Olympic ski jumping and combined events will have to be cancelled and moved”, worries an Austrian ski jumping expert, who wished to remain anonymous, in the columns ofIltalehti.

Pre-Olympic competition cancelled

This delay has led to a change in the international calendar. Indeed, the competition serving as a test for the Olympic Games was originally scheduled to take place this weekend, on 10 and 11 January. Sandro Pertile, Director of Ski Jumping Competitions at the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS), has confirmed that the event will be replaced by a Summer Grand Prix to test the ski jump for the athletes.

Biathlon, biathlon programme, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, nordic skiing, cross-country skiing, skiing, combined, nordic combined, jumping, ski jumping, ibu cup, biathlon today, biathlon 2024 calendar, nordic mag biathlon, biathlon world championship 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendar, biathlon world cup 2024, nordic ski, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon world championship, biathlon programme today, biathlon world cup 2024, nordic ski net, nordic magazine, nordic
Sandro Pertile (ITA) – Thibaut/NordicFocus

“We have received a firm promise that we will be able to hold Grand Prix races at Predazzo in the summer of 2025. The jumps will be open for training in the summer of 2025, so that the teams can train and test the future Olympic venues,” he says.

The cost of renovating the ski jumps was announced at €17 million in April 2023. This figure is likely to increase due to the delay in the work.

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Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic

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nordic mag, biathlon, biathlon programme, nordic magazine, nordicmag, programme biathlon, Justine Braisaz-Bouchet, Julia Simon, ski nordique, biathlon 2024, biathlon championnats du monde, émilien Jacquelin, nordic mag biathlon, dorothea Wierer, ibu cup, nordic biathlon, nordique mag, Nordic Magazine, ski de fond, saut à ski, saut, combiné, combiné nordique, première cible, biathlon magazine, dico du biathlon, vu de norge, planète nordic, Ski-nordique, Ski nordic, ski nordique
Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic
Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic
Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic
Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic
Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic


Ski jumping EN

Discover the names of the French competitors selected for the world ski jumping championships in Trondheim (Norway).

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22:10. On Saturday evening, Slovenia’s Nika Prevc, wearing the yellow overall leader’s bib, won the second women’s ski jumping world cup competition in Lake...

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18:49. This weekend, the continental ski jumping cup took place on the small hill in Kranj (Slovenia) . In the first competition on the...

Ski jumping EN

13:09. The first FIS Cup ski jumping competition took place in Eisenerz (Austria) on Saturday. On home soil, the Austrians dominated the competition with...

Ski jumping EN

2:06 The first women’s World Cup ski jumping competition in Lake Placid (USA), scheduled for the start of the day but postponed until late...

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