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Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic
Benjamin Oestvold (NOR) - Reichert/NordicFocus

Ski jumping EN

Ski jumping | Online kitty, night watchman and the Four Hills Tournament: the astonishing career of Norwegian Benjamin Oestvold

Norwegian jumper Benjamin Oestvold has had to take financial measures to continue his career at the highest level.

Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic

Ski jumping: “It’s embarrassing, but I have to do it to try and get through the season”, says Benjamin Oestvold

Benjamin Oestvold has been forced to create an online fund in order to continue to invest fully in his career. The 23-year-old Norwegian ski jumper has lost several of his personal sponsors, and his place in the senior team has not materialised.

“It’s embarrassing and awkward, but I have to do it to try and get through the season. I’ve lost just over €17,000 in personal sponsorship because companies are struggling. The jumping team is also having trouble with sponsors. So it’s affecting everyone,” he told NRK.

Benjamin Oestvold, Planica, ski jumping
Benjamin Oestvold (NOR) – Reichert/NordicFocus

In addition to this fund, his December was split between ski jumping and working nights in a hotel. A difficult lifestyle to reconcile for a top-level athlete. “I worked nights in December. It doesn’t work well to work at night and do sport two or three times a day, but I almost have no other choice”, he regretted before the Four Hills Tournament.

A successful Four Hills Tournament

Despite his financial problems and a shortened preparation period due to his job as a night watchman, Benjamin Oestvold concluded the Four Hills Tournament with an encouraging thirteenth place in the final overall classification. This Monday, on the final stage in Bischofshofen (Austria), he took sixth place. A result that the Norwegian is delighted with.

“It’s completely crazy, so many things go through your head. I was really scared when I sat up there and heard that the boys had jumped 140 metres. I’m extremely satisfied,” he told NRK.

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Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic

Biathlon, biathlon programme, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, nordic skiing, cross-country skiing, skiing, combined, nordic combined, jumping, ski jumping, ibu cup, biathlon today, biathlon 2024 calendar, nordic mag biathlon, biathlon world championship 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendar, biathlon world cup 2024, nordic ski, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon world championship, biathlon programme today, biathlon world cup 2024, nordic ski net, nordic magazine, nordic
Benjamin Oestvold (NOR) – Reichert/NordicFocus

During the Tour, he even managed to pocket more than €8,500 in bonuses. A significant financial boost for him. “It’s great. It makes me look forward to the rest of the season with a bit more confidence, so that helps a lot.” Despite everything, he is keeping his feet on the ground. “You need money. Now I’m going straight back to work as soon as I get home from here,” he laughs.

Trondheim 2025 target

Norwegian national team manager Magnus Brevig was quick to take notice. “I’m very impressed with Benjamin. He performed well when he had the chance last year, and he’s taken it to the next level this year. So that’s very positive,” he says.

Magnus Brevig, Biathlon, biathlon programme, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, nordic skiing, cross-country skiing, skiing, combined, nordic combined, jumping, ski jumping, ibu cup, biathlon today, biathlon 2024 calendar, nordic mag biathlon, biathlon world championship 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendar, biathlon world cup 2024, nordic ski, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon world championship, biathlon programme today, biathlon world cup 2024, nordic ski net, nordic magazine, nordic
Magnus Brevig (NOR) – Reichert/NordicFocus

From now on, Benjamin Oestvold‘s sights are set on the World Championships in Trondheim (Norway). “My main objective this season is to win a medal in Trondheim. So that’s what I’m working towards. I just have to try to improve and do some good jumps, and then we’ll get there.”

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Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic
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Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic
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Biathlon, biathlon programme, programme biathlon, nordic mag, biathlon 2024, ibu, ski nordique, ski de fond, ski, combiné, combiné nordique, saut, saut à ski, ibu cup, biathlon aujourd'hui, calendrier biathlon 2024, nordic mag biathlon, championnat du monde biathlon 2024, nove mesto, biathlon calendrier, coupe du monde biathlon 2024, ski nordique, julia simon, justine braisaz-bouchet, ski-nordique, émilien jacquelin, biathlon championnat du monde, biathlon programme aujourd'hui, coupe du monde de biathlon 2024, ski nordique net, nordic magazine, nordic


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